Dusun traditional beliefs and taboos to add values to rural visit

KOTA KINABALU: Journalist-turned-book writer Anna Vivienne has authored three books based on the accounts of Dusun beliefs and Taboos.

With a journalism experience spanning 33 years, she switched into the foray of writing books in 2019.

She launched her first book, titled “Strange Magic and Supernatural Encounters” followed by “Hauntings and Ghostly Whispers” in 2021.

And the latest in Sept 2022 was “Scary Tales and Uncanny Encounters” which was deposited at the Sabah State Library.

All the stories in the books were handed down to her orally by her paternal grandmother who was a bobolian (spiritual medium) and her mother who was a novice before she embraced Christianity.

“These books are very useful for the homestays, kampungstays and farmstays rural tourism.

“Tourists who explore the rural areas might also interested to know about our cultural and traditional background,” said Anna.

Therefore, she believes all her books can be incorporated as part of the rural tourism in the areas of storytelling to entertain the tourists.-HS

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